
Porter Roe - Program Director
Porter Roe
Program Director
Annette Alley M.Ed.
Annette Alley, M.Ed.
Academic Director
LeaKae Roberts Director of Admissions
LeaKae Roberts
Director of Admissions
Caleb Cottle, MBA, TRT
Caleb Cottle, MBA, TRT
Founder / Director of Business Development
Elise Ashby - Assistant Director of Admissions_jacket
Elise Ashby
Assistant Director of Admissions
Shanae Hansen - Executive Assistant
Shanae Hansen
Executive Assistant
Carol Probst
Founder / Operations Manager
Brad Gerrard
Founder/ Director of Operations.


Brad Gerrard
Founder/ Director of Operations.
Carol Probst
Founder / Operations Manager
Shanae Hansen - Executive Assistant
Shanae Hansen
Executive Assistant
Elise Ashby - Assistant Director of Admissions_jacket
Elise Ashby
Assistant Director of Admissions
Caleb Cottle, MBA, TRT
Caleb Cottle, MBA, TRT
Founder / Director of Business Development
LeaKae Roberts Director of Admissions
LeaKae Roberts
Director of Admissions

Commitment to Quality Care

We provide a healthy environment uniquely suited to support your growth and healing.

430 West 200 NorthMidway, Utah 84049

Copyright © 2024 Cascade Academy. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2024 Cascade Academy. All rights reserved.