Erin Seamons
Yoga Teacher
Brief info

I'm Erin and I am a Certified Professional Holistic Health Coach and Yoga Therapist. I’ve worked in the wellness industry for over 13 years and I find immense joy and purpose in it, still! I am an intellectualist and researcher at my core, with a strong dose of intuition mixed in. I have an unbridled zest for big life experiences, and a “hell yes” attitude to nearly every kind of adventure. My most favorite things about this world are centered around being in my body - which is to say that I love all things movement, food, breath, sleep and sensation - and especially when these things happen outdoors. My work is centered upon being embodied, and specifically being embodied in this world that sustains our flesh and skin and bones. I believe in living a life aligned with the rhythms of our Mother Earth, and this is strongly reflected in how I support my clients in their health transformations. I live with wild desire, always seeking to match my outer reality to the depths of my inner dreaming. Because if we don’t live to see our dreams come true, then what are we even doing here?

I have studied and taught Anusara Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama, and most recently, Primal Vinyasa, Primal Therapeutics, and Primal Fit. In my sessions, I utilize healing modalities from various medicinal traditions, such as functional movement repatterning, injury rehabilitation, breathwork, meditation, lifestyle coaching, TCM face/tongue/pulse reading, fire cupping, fascial release (gua sha), sports medicine taping, postural retraining, and applied herbalism.