The Last Thing You Want To Do Is The First Thing You Should Do

Recently as a team we reviewed this talk by Wendy Suzuki, Ph.D. , Professor of Neural Science and Psychology in the Center for Neural Science at New York University.   

As most of my friends and colleagues know I am an exercise fanatic.  It helps me unwind, fight depression, release what I call natural feel good body chemicals or neurotransmitters naturally occurring in the body and released as we exercise.  Top amongst these are dopamine, serotonin and many others.  It’s no secret we all get the blahs this time of year.  I struggle at times with fairly severe depression.  I have a saying that I used with my children and now with the girls here at Cascade Academy.  Sometimes the last thing you want to do is the first thing you ought to do.  Even after years of sometimes high intensity training for various events and seeing as well as feeling the positive effects, I still find it very hard to get up and get it done so to speak.  Even when I know I will eventually feel better.  

The girls at Cascade Academy struggling with anxiety and depression are no different but it’s very hard to see a way out of this cycle.  Yoga and specific meditation by certified and trained instructors are offered three times a week along with a morning exercise regimen to encourage the body and the brain to naturally release these “feel good chemicals.”  Overtime and with help from great staff, therapists, yoga and meditation instructors these girls tap into this hidden source of natural healing.  After lunch, daily wellness walks around this beautiful town and by the rivers and creeks in this beautiful valley have transformative effects.  Time in nature along with low impact exercise literally changes the brain and its ability to heal itself.    I encourage you to find a way to tap into your hidden source of your body to naturally heal itself through proper nutrition, exercise, meditation heck even listening to good relaxing music, mindfully preparing a nutritious meal and trying your hand at mindful eating.  Good luck in your regimen and if you don’t have one I encourage you to get started.
