Cascade Academy recently celebrated two years of operations in April of 2022. Since opening during the height of Covid, Cascade Academy has been established as a clinically sophisticated treatment option for adolescent girls struggling with anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) related issues. Due to the link between academics and anxiety/ OCD related issues Cascade Academy has invested heavily in creating a sophisticated academic experience.
“Whatever you plan to do after Cascade Academy you need to practice while at Cascade Academy”. This is a frequently repeated mantra that directs the therapeutic goals of Cascade Academy students. Academic issues such as school avoidance and perfectionism play a significant role in the anxiety profile of Cascade Academy students prior to enrollment. In an effort to create a “true to life” academic experience Cascade Academy is eager to announce its new on-site Academic Center.
The new Academic Center at Cascade Academy is designed to provide an academic experience that mirrors a typical academic environment while providing flexibility and adaptability for students who struggle with school attendance. It is the perfect space to participate in academic exposures. The hybrid academic model provides an opportunity for credit recovery for those students who are behind in their academic achievements as well as honors/ AP classes and online college opportunities for those students who excel academically. Multifunctional classrooms allow group sessions, lecture-based learning from licensed teachers, and team projects as well as private individual spaces where students can work one on one with tutors or online. An impressive arts center, complete with pottery wheels, art supplies and amazing instruction overlooks a well-tended garden space where students participate in a food-to-table nutrition class.